He who places his hope on thee, O Virgin all-glorious, will prosper in all he does.

Inscription on Byzantine coin during reign of Romanus III

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Rand Paul Wins

Make mine Earl Grey.


Sophocles said...

How could he not win with his god aqua buddha on his side?

Anonymous said...

Aqua buddha is one of the more sane things about Rand Paul. He actually believes in "Austrian economics", which is a bit further out of the mainstream and even less believable. Sad day for America.

Visibilium said...

At my next Masonic meeting, I'll have to ask if I'm supposed to believe in aqua buddha.

Sophocles said...

I think you should be clear on that one Vis. At least the Grand Master of my lodge gave me the go ahead to fall at the feet of aqua buddha; so I can only encourage your movement towards true bliss.

Visibilium said...

You too must be on the New Calendar.

Sophocles said...
